Teachers are the lifeline of a school. The success of any school is inextricably linked to the efficacy and quality of its teachers.Good teachers are often hard , if not impossible to find .
Knowledgucate not only connects schools with potential teachers who have registered on its database but also trains these teachers , where required so that they can fit in with the school’s requirements. Schools benefit from the fact that these teachers undergo Knowledgucate’s rigorous due diligence process before they are allowed to enlist on our FAT (Find A Teacher) database and also undergo a rigorous training program to hone their pedagogical skills.
If you are a school looking for qualified teacher, please click here
If you are a teacher looking for an opportunity to teach at a Knowledgucate school or elsewhere, please click here
Knowledgucate is a specialist education company that works with public and private institutions to transform the quality of education and skills provision. We use our expertise and insight to improve schools and school systems by delivering education services across key areas like Leadership and Management solutions, Management Systems Transformation, Capacity Optimisation and Strategy . Everything we do is focused on making a positive change in the lives of all stakeholders within the school community- students,parents, teachers, administrators and the school management alike ,thereby enabling students of all ages to be prepared to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.
If your institution wants to benefit from our experience, contact us at- info@knowledgucate.org and take the first steps to improving your school !
3rd Floor, 1 Tate Lane,
Near Shoolay Circle,
Richmond Town,
Bangalore – 560025,
Hotline Number
+91 9611 377 036
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